Strange characters. Ferguson's Rothschilds book was very informative. I haven't read any Roberts or Hanson books yet, but their comments here don't bode well.
There must be some truth in what Mr. Cooper said to have so many scrambling to voice their opinions. There really are two sides to everything. Everyone has their own opinions and probably have different ones than all the people criticizing Mr. Cooper. Free speech allows this to play out perfectly. I listened to the podcast with Tucker and also to Mr. Coopers days after that. Who is right, we will truly never know. History is not always recorded correctly. What is written about history is sometimes just personal opinions.
Carlson: “If Churchill is a hero, how come there are British girls begging for drugs on the streets of London and London is not majority-English now?”
Cooper: “The people who formulated the version of history that considers Churchill a hero, they like London the way it is now.”
These aren't arguments, I almost don't know where to begin. If you're listening to these two and taking it seriously then you need to look carefully at what they actually said, work out if it is logical and if one thing follows another.
Had we carried on with Churchill's policies would we have majority migrant London today? No.
Did Churchill want a majority migrant London? No.
Do we know if the people who think Churchill is a hero want a majority migrant London? I'd say we don't know but from my experience they do not.
Did Churchill's policy lead to girls begging on the streets of London for drugs? No.
To your first two questions, presumably not. To the fourth, perhaps indirectly. To the third, yes. This article is about the reaction of Ferguson and co to the Cooper conversation. Ferguson singled out the things Cooper and Carlson said about the state of London for particular denunciation. He didn't make any refutation. He just said that it was outrageous to say them and likened them to 'the Great Replacement theory' which, presumably, he thinks is sufficient. Likewise, Andrew Roberts simply said it was "a racist rant" and moved on.
Why Churchillian historians all seem to be pro-immigration I don't know. Perhaps they simply see themselves as servants of the current regime whatever convolutions that entails. See the end of this later article where I say that Churchill himself presumably didn't share Ferguson's ideas:
Then we clearly cannot say Churchill was responsible.
Churchill can face many criticisms, when people start making up things out of whole cloth I stop listening to them as I did with Cooper.
I really don’t care what pro-Churchill historians think or say, that is their doing, not his. Guilt by association is another ploy and anyone using it should be given short-shrift.
Churchill served his purpose enacting policies that weren't in Britains best interest, then he was deposed of. With his actions he enabled what came after and the people behind him are the same facilitating todays developments - Jews.
I heard Tony Kushner speak in Seattle. He said that if you want to know about a period of history, read 50 books. It sounds like a lot but it will help fill in the blanks. Mark Twain said he gave up reading about health miracles as he was afraid he might die of a misprint. It is important to read widely and to accept what is written as only part of the story, taking it with a great deal of caution. Churchill has had a remarkable PR campaign. He may not be who we are told. What do we really know about WWI and WWII? We need to study and listen more. Consider who profited and who paid for the wars. . . . Then we’ll have a better idea.
I have to admit that I've long held these gentlemen and their associates in high esteem. Clearly there are many enemies among us. Smoke them out!
Strange characters. Ferguson's Rothschilds book was very informative. I haven't read any Roberts or Hanson books yet, but their comments here don't bode well.
Spot on as usual bravo Horus
Thanks Mark.
Very good article by the way. Thought provoking!!
in 1939 USSR and Germany invaded Poland, it was USSR's second invasion of Poland
USSR then invaded:
- Finland- also for the second time
- Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Bessarabia- and threatened to invade multiple other countries.
We allied with ... The USSR
Germany, out of all of history, was uniquely evil- no matter what.
Excellent description of the Soviet invasion of Estonia in the first part of 'Days to Remember"
The man went on to become a doctor in Sheboygan, WI
There must be some truth in what Mr. Cooper said to have so many scrambling to voice their opinions. There really are two sides to everything. Everyone has their own opinions and probably have different ones than all the people criticizing Mr. Cooper. Free speech allows this to play out perfectly. I listened to the podcast with Tucker and also to Mr. Coopers days after that. Who is right, we will truly never know. History is not always recorded correctly. What is written about history is sometimes just personal opinions.
I'm glad his critics didn't try to silence him, at least. They're of a slightly higher calibre of anti-fascist.
Carlson: “If Churchill is a hero, how come there are British girls begging for drugs on the streets of London and London is not majority-English now?”
Cooper: “The people who formulated the version of history that considers Churchill a hero, they like London the way it is now.”
These aren't arguments, I almost don't know where to begin. If you're listening to these two and taking it seriously then you need to look carefully at what they actually said, work out if it is logical and if one thing follows another.
Had we carried on with Churchill's policies would we have majority migrant London today? No.
Did Churchill want a majority migrant London? No.
Do we know if the people who think Churchill is a hero want a majority migrant London? I'd say we don't know but from my experience they do not.
Did Churchill's policy lead to girls begging on the streets of London for drugs? No.
To your first two questions, presumably not. To the fourth, perhaps indirectly. To the third, yes. This article is about the reaction of Ferguson and co to the Cooper conversation. Ferguson singled out the things Cooper and Carlson said about the state of London for particular denunciation. He didn't make any refutation. He just said that it was outrageous to say them and likened them to 'the Great Replacement theory' which, presumably, he thinks is sufficient. Likewise, Andrew Roberts simply said it was "a racist rant" and moved on.
Why Churchillian historians all seem to be pro-immigration I don't know. Perhaps they simply see themselves as servants of the current regime whatever convolutions that entails. See the end of this later article where I say that Churchill himself presumably didn't share Ferguson's ideas:
“To your first two questions, presumably not.”
Then we clearly cannot say Churchill was responsible.
Churchill can face many criticisms, when people start making up things out of whole cloth I stop listening to them as I did with Cooper.
I really don’t care what pro-Churchill historians think or say, that is their doing, not his. Guilt by association is another ploy and anyone using it should be given short-shrift.
Churchill served his purpose enacting policies that weren't in Britains best interest, then he was deposed of. With his actions he enabled what came after and the people behind him are the same facilitating todays developments - Jews.
I’ve pointed out you’re wrong, read the piece.
Well written.
Something I aimed for, so thankyou.
When the hornets begin to buzz, you know you're close to the hive.
Hornets are scarier than Sohrab Amari anyway.
Why would Darryl be having problems with Bari Weiss’ ShilL Rag?
Well, she started it -
Always dogmatic leftists are your local supplier for the always available gateway drug globalism.
I heard Tony Kushner speak in Seattle. He said that if you want to know about a period of history, read 50 books. It sounds like a lot but it will help fill in the blanks. Mark Twain said he gave up reading about health miracles as he was afraid he might die of a misprint. It is important to read widely and to accept what is written as only part of the story, taking it with a great deal of caution. Churchill has had a remarkable PR campaign. He may not be who we are told. What do we really know about WWI and WWII? We need to study and listen more. Consider who profited and who paid for the wars. . . . Then we’ll have a better idea.
Was that Tony Kushner the playright?